Research the origins of the space shuttle program, focusing on how it has been both a benefit and liability to our society. Make sure they address their proper audience and make the intended purpose of their writing evident to this audience. Have students write a speech or newspaper article discussing a tragedy/disaster that has occurred in their lifetime and/or in their community. What was the intended purpose of each of these documents? Discuss the two points of view portrayed -a newspaper and a presidential speech -and have students note the differences in how the event was portrayed by each. Have students read the two documents: "The Shuttle Explodes" and Ronald Reagan’s speech on the Challenger Disaster. Photo Analysis Worksheet, National Archives.Challenger Photographs, National Geographic.Excerpt from President Obama’s speech at the Kennedy Space Center on space exploration goals and promises, April 15, 2010, NASA."Was the Space Shuttle a Mistake?" July 6, 2011, Technology Review, MIT.Speech on the Challenger Disaster, Ronald Reagan, January 28, 1986,."The Shuttle Explodes," January 28, 1986, New York Times.What lessons have been learned about space travel from the Challenger incident?.